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Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025. Your local time is 07:19pm.

This form can be used to report TrustSoft AntiSpyware false positives. A false positive can occur when TrustSoft AntiSpyware mistakenly identifies non-spyware related files or registry entries as being part of a spyware application. If you believe that TrustSoft AntiSpyware has mistakenly identified a component of a non-spyware software application, please fill out this form with as much detailed information as possible so that we can investigate the false positive. Please include a valid email address so that our spyware research team may contact you if further information is need.

As a temporary remedy, we recommend that you add the suspected false positive items to your TrustSoft AntiSpyware Safe List.

We appreciate your help in the battle against spyware.

-TrustSoft Spyware Team

NOTE: Fields marked with * are required.

Contact Name*
Contact Email*
Threat Name*
Software program that was wrongly identified*
Description of the software*
Version of the software*
URL where software can be downloaded*
Current Spyware Definitions Version*
1) On the "Update" tab
2) About TrustSoft AntiSpyware section
3) Signature Version
TrustSoft AntiSpware Application Version*
1) On the "Update" tab
2) About TrustSoft AntiSpyware section
3) Application Version
Brief Description Of False Positive*
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